Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tax to GDP Ratio

Tax to GDP ratio is the ratio of taxes collection against nation GDP. It tells about how a unit change in GDP will contribute to the revenue of govt. In India it is at lower rate i.e. 17% while OECD average is 24%. In Scandinavian countries it is as high as 50%. In India it is on the lower side because-
1) Lots of people are not earning well and hence did not com in the direct tax bracket. Only 3% pay income tax.
2) Lowering the tax slab will increase administration cost and also regressive with low saving in hand.
3) Large unorganised sector and loopholes in tax structure.
To increase the spending of govt towards social sector, infra and public service India must increase its tax/GDP ratio, not by increasing tax rate or decreasing tax slab but by-
1) Increasing the income of its citizens through MII, SISI, etc
2) By ease of dong business and lesser bureaucratic hurdles.
3) Mending loopholes in ta policy by transparent and stable tax policy, GAAR and MAT and reducing exemption.
We must also try to increase direct tax against indirect tax because indirect tax does not differentiate b/w rich and poor and is regressive in nature, reduces saving in hands of poor. We must move towards GST so as to remove cascading effect of tax and increase revenue. Increase in tax GDP ratio will-
1) Increase revenue per unit increase of GDP
2) More income to govt for providing better services
3) Poor will be benefited more through increased govt expenditure.
4) Help in achieving fiscal deficit target hence better ratings-so more FDI-more jobs
Hence increasing tax-GDP ratio will benefit India to become a stable economy with poor benefiting the most.

तो हमें देश की सुरक्षा से खतरा है | अवतार सिंह संधू 'पाश'

यदि देश की सुरक्षा यही होती है कि
बिना जमीर होना जिंदगी के लिए शर्त बन जाये
आंख की पुतली में हां के सिवाय कोई भी शब्द 
अश्लील हो 
और मन बदकार पलों के सामने दंडवत झुका रहे
तो हमें देश की सुरक्षा से खतरा है.
हम तो देश को समझे थे घर-जैसी पवित्र चीज
जिसमें उमस नहीं होती
आदमी बरसते मेंह की गूंज की तरह गलियों में बहता है
गेहूं की बालियों की तरह खेतों में झूमता है
और आसमान की विशालता को अर्थ देता है
हम तो देश को समझे थे आलिंगन-जैसे एक एहसास का नाम
हम तो देश को समझते थे काम-जैसा कोई नशा
हम तो देश को समझते थे कुरबानी-सी वफा
लेकिन गर देश
आत्मा की बेगार का कोई कारखाना है
गर देश उल्लू बनने की प्रयोगशाला है
तो हमें उससे खतरा है
गर देश का अमन ऐसा होता है
कि कर्ज के पहाड़ों से फिसलते पत्थरों की तरह
टूटता रहे अस्तित्व हमारा
और तनख्वाहों के मुंह पर थूकती रहे
कीमतों की बेशर्म हंसी
कि अपने रक्त में नहाना ही तीर्थ का पुण्य हो
तो हमें अमन से खतरा है
गर देश की सुरक्षा को कुचल कर अमन को रंग चढ़ेगा
कि वीरता बस सरहदों पर मर कर परवान चढ़ेगी
कला का फूल बस राजा की खिड़की में ही खिलेगा
अक्ल, हुक्म के कुएं पर रहट की तरह ही धरती सींचेगी
तो हमें देश की सुरक्षा से खतरा है.

देशभक्ति | अनुराग आर्य

आपकी देशभक्ति हिलोरे मारती है, बात-बात पर आपका खून उबलता है, शहीदों को अक्सर आप याद करते रहते है. पर आपका कोई बच्चा आर्मी या पैरामिलटरी फ़ोर्स ज्वाइन नहीं करता. वो या दूकान पर बैठता है या सहूलियत की कोई नौकरी लेता है.अजीब इत्तेफ़ाक़ है पिछली कई पीढ़ियों से आपके यहाँ से किसी के अंदर सेना में जाने की इच्छा नहीं हुईन आपके मोहल्ले से, न आपके गाँव से!

आप देशभक्त हैं. इन दिनों रा-ज़रा सी बात पर बॉईलिंग पॉइंट को आपका खून टच करता रहता हैबाहर नौकरी का मौका मिलते ही आप दो सेकण्ड सोचने में नहीं लगाते,कागजात इकट्ठे करने के जुगाड़ में लगते हो. "अपॉरचुनिटी अच्छी है " का डायलॉग आप अपने बूढ़े माँ-बाप और रिश्तेदारों से शेयर करते हो, पर चार साल बाद बैंगलोर, नोएडा,हैदराबाद, मुंबई, गुड़गांव से अच्छी सैलरी की ऑफर के बाद भी आप वापस नहीं आना चाहते. 
नहीं यार, क़्वालिटी ऑफ़ लाइफ़’ नहीं है" कहीं यारों से कहते होबहुत बार पर्स्यूकरने पर "नहीं यार वो नहीं आना चाहती" कहकर आप शील्ड ले लेते हो.

अपनी गिल्ट आप भारत आये किसी नेता के सांस्कृतिक कार्यकर्म में तिरंगे कलर का कुर्ते पजामा पहनकर काम करते हो या इण्डिया के किसी क्रिकेट मैच में अपने फेस पर ट्राइकलर लगाकर. 

रात को फेसबुक पर आप जे एन यू की सब्सीसीडी बंद करने को सपोर्ट का हैशटैग करते हो. 

पता नहीं आपके इंस्टीट्यूट की सब्सिडी की भरपाई कौन करेगा.
आप की देशभक्ति और धर्म पिछली अप्रैल से सेंसिटिव हो गए है. बात-बात पर आपको धर्म याद आता है. धर्म से राष्ट्रप्रेम.

आपसे पूछा जाता है अथर्ववेद और ऋग्वेद में अंतर क्या है तो आपको पानी की प्यास लगने लगती है.
गायत्री मन्त्र लिखने को कहा जाये तो आपसे लिखा नहीं जाता अर्थ पूछने पर आप गूगल करते हो. 

जतिन दास कौन थे ये आपके लिए मुश्किल प्रश्न है.

आप ही इन दिनों सबसे बड़े राष्ट्रप्रेमी है और धर्म के लम्बरदार हैं!

-- Anurag Arya ( )

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is capacity of understanding our feelings/emotions as well as of others' and use them to better manage our relations.
Unlike past when public administration was impersonal and dehumanising, role of behaviour and nature of a bureaucrat has gained enormous importance.
Role of emotional intelligence in present situation has varied importance both in intrapersonal as well as interpersonal realms.
- Self-awareness- Bureuacrats need to know emotions, moods and drives of their peers and persons at whom public policy is targeted for better acquiantance with the nature of problems in society and their possible solutions.
- Self-regulation- An aware bureaucrat can guide his emotions and perform accordingly for betterment of society.
- Motivation- knowledge about his emotion, passion and sentiment as well as that of his peers can help motivate them and persist in adverse situations. This will also maximize organisational benefits together with timely achievement of targets.
- Empathy- understanding of others' problems helps in their quick and effective resolution.
- Social skills- proper management of societal relations also helps in lessening work-family conflict, enhances physical and mental health and provides job satisfaction.
Governance in modern times is becoming increasing complex with affective components of behaviour having a major role to play.
Intelligence quotient alone can't solve majority of problems an administrator faces, use of emotional intelligence is a must for better public service delivery as well as redressal.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is ability to manage and control one’s own emotions and emotion of people surrounding us to arrive at mature decisions. Emotional intelligence makes a public servant more effective, efficient and sensitive leader.
Since a public servant needs to deal and engage with large number of people on daily basis, emotional intelligence is necessary for every public servant. 
1. The EI equip him with maturing in coordinating and collaborating with others
2. It helps in resolving disputes and differences. 
3. It helps in ensuring optimal output from team members (government machinery) and maintaining harmony among them 
4. It helps in handling the issues in sensitive and considered manner without getting provoked by public anger and protests.
Based on public opinion and person experience, it can be said that most public servants in India lack emotional intelligence. This is manifested in insensitive public comments on women, treating general public with derision, inefficient working, and infighting among various organs of government and their inability or
unwillingness to address public grievances.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to perceive and understand emotions, have empathy for others, and to be able to reflectively regulate emotions so as to enhance one's life emotionally as well as intellectually. 
In today's environment, civil services work within following challenges:
1) fast changing social and structural values.
2) Increasing regional, economic and digital divide. 
3) rising population and unemployment.
4) increased awareness of masses + simultaneous existence of voiceless marginalised poor. Add to it the proliferation of ICT, there's a greater chance of small issues to get politicised easily and quickly.
Therefore, it is important for a civil servant to be emotionally intelligent to easily manoeuvre through such difficult situations.
In civil services emotional intelligence can help in three ways :
1) to achieve amicable work environment - one gets the ability to gain a holistic approach and see long terms effects of one's actions; develop greater interpersonal skills; finding healthy ways to handle negative feelings by means of better communication.
2) Improvement in behaviour and performance of individual workers - it enables one to be motivated and motivate better; enhance group dynamics in terms of cooperation, collaboration and building bonds; he has the ability to appreciate diversity and value of others.
3) Improvement in organizational performance - a person equipped with good EQ has better leadership qualities as he knows when and how to lead and when to follow; he's the ability to be a change catalyst and maintain focus at the goal throughout.