Sunday, April 10, 2016

न देखना कैसे देखें | Ravish Kumar


हम कैसे देखें इस तस्वीर को
कैसे न देखें
न देखना कैसे देखें
नातिन की शादी से चंद रोज़ पहले की बात है
एक नाना झूल गए पेड़ पर
नाना जो कि भारत के किसान हैं
उस भारत का क़र्ज़ा था इनपर
कुल पचास हज़ार
गोद में लेकर कितना खेला होगा नातिन से
कंधे पर लेकर दूर तक दौड़े होंगे
न जाने कितनी बार
उन खेतों में
जिनकी पैमाइश मात्र तीन एकड़ है
जिनसे पैदा हुआ चार कुंतल गेहूँ है
ज़िला झाँसी थाना समथर
उम्र पैंसठ साल
हार गया जो जीवन का समर
मर गया जो लटक कर
घर गया जो ख़बर लिखकर
सो गया जो ख़बर पढ़कर
सबको नींद आती ही रही
वही जागता रहा दिन भर
खेत में खड़े पेड़ के नीचे
खड़ा हो गया खेत छोड़ कर
काश आप भी भाग जाते
किसी ललित की तरह
किसी विजय की तरह
आ जाते चुपके से शादी की रात
भींच कर बाहों में नातिन को
चुपके से रो तो लेते
उसे विदा तो कर देते चुपचाप
किसी कवि की संवेदना से बाहर
किसी सरकार की वेदना से दूर
बंद रास्तों में फँसी आपकी आत्मा
तड़पती रही होगी
मुक्त होने के लिए
वहाँ जाने के लिए
जहाँ या तो कोई क़र्ज़दार जाता है
या कोई उम्रदराज़
किसान का मरना किसका मरना है
न किसान जानता है
न भारत महान जानता है
हम कैसे देखें इस तस्वीर को
कैसे न देखें
न देखना कैसे देखें
न भगवान जानता है
न जनता का भगवान जानता है
मित्रों ये ख़बर अभी आई है कि एक किसान मर गया है । ये ख़बर तो कब की आ चुकी है कि उससे पहले हम सब मर चुके हैं ।


Agriculture is a major driver of climate change

Agriculture is said to be a major driver of climate change because of following reasons:
1. It accounts for 13% of total green house emissions currently. 
2. More CO2 emissions on account of deforestation for agricultural purpose. Eg: Jhum cultivation in India. 
3. Methane emissions from rice cultivation.
4. Enteric fermentation from Animals causes methane emissions. 
5. Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizer use.
Reducing food wastage would help mitigate climate change in following ways:
1. Food production requires intensive inputs and the processes cause GHG emissions and if food does not reach plates, these emissions are without any substantive output. With population set to rise 10 billion by 2050 the need for food is set to rise and thus stopping food wastage would reduce GHG emissions. 
2. Animal based food causes more GHG emissions and changing dietary practices towards protein based food in developing countries without any effort to reduce food wastage will further increase GHG emissions and ths it is prudent to stop food wastage from not only economic point of view but also ecological point of of view.
There is need to reform food distribution system across countries. India can do its part by efficient supply chain management, promotion of Food processing industry, APMC reforms etc.

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Welcome waste as new wealth

After fighting a losing battle with the growing tide of municipal waste, the Ministry of Environment and Forests has notified the new Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 with clear responsibilities assigned to various classes of consumers. For these rules to have any significant impact, however, the local bodies in charge of implementation should appeal to the rational impulses of communities — a small effort at segregating trash at source would be a good thing for their household budgets. Cities and towns would then have to provide the logistical chain to evacuate waste, with a cash compensation system in place for the consumer. In the absence of such a system, the rules issued 16 years ago failed spectacularly. Urban municipal bodies found it convenient to merely transport waste to the suburbs, sometimes through private agencies that secured lucrative long-term contracts. Policy failure is all too evident when Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar says that the estimated 62 million tonnes of waste a year is not fully collected or treated. Worryingly, it will go up to some 165 million tonnes in 2030, and dramatic episodes of air and water pollution from mountains of garbage as seen in Mumbai and Bengaluru in recent times could be witnessed in more places.
A productive start to containing the problem could be made if urban governments show the political will to rein in bulk generators of municipal solid waste. For instance, the provisions in the new rules for hotels and restaurants to support composting, or biomethanation, and for large housing societies, commercial establishments and other bulk producers to segregate waste, need to be rigorously enforced. Cess funds collected for the Swachh Bharat programme could be deployed to scale up infrastructure for composting, biomethanation and recycling, which Mr. Javadekar admits are grossly inadequate. Evidently, the Centre and the State governments have not so far taken the existing rules seriously: less than a third of the collected waste is being processed. Even where environmentally conscious citizens segregate at source, the chain of management dumps it all in landfills. The central monitoring committee under the Ministry should ensure that local bodies do not continue functioning in business-as-usual mode. They should align their operations, including waste management contracts, with the new rules under the annual operating plan. The Ministry should also enlist the services of ragpickers under formal systems such as cooperatives. Although there are provisions for fines for littering and non-segregation, this should be a second-order priority for municipalities, which should focus principally on creating reliable systems to handle different waste streams. If India could start with the separation of its ‘wet’ waste from the rest and produce good compost, that could transform cities and towns into clean and green havens filled with trees, gardens, lakes and rivers. It would also salvage millions of tonnes of recyclable plastic, precious metals and other materials. Garbology studies confirm that landfills swallow precious wealth every day. The time has come to recover it.