Thursday, January 26, 2017


एक मुख्यमंत्री करप्शन के चार्जेज़ से अदालत से छूट कर आती है उस राज्य का हर आदमी जानता है उसके पास आय से अधिक संपत्ति है !
कोई जनसमूह उसके विरुद्ध आंदोलन करने बीच पर नहीं उतरता ,कोई रेल रोकी नहीं जाती ! लोग उसके स्वागत में सामूहिक जलूस निकालने को टूट पड़ते है !
इमोशन बड़ी दिलचस्प शै है !
 नेताओ का एक समूह उधोगपतियो के साथ मिल कर क्रिकेट की एक बॉडी गवर्न करता है स्टेटस एन जी ओ का है उसमे करोडो का हेर फेर होता है अदालत की चेतावनी के बाद उसके कुछ अधिकारों पर रोक लगायी जाती है। दिलचस्प बात है के उसका अध्यक्ष कुछ महीने पहले सन्सद में देशभक्ति पर एक ओजस्वी भाषण दे चूका है और उस एन जी ओ में सभी राजनैतिक पार्टियों के लोग शामिल है !
क्रिकेट बड़ी दिलचस्प शै है !
एक गैर सरकारी संस्था बतलाती है देश की प्रमुख छह राजनैतिक पार्टियों के चुनावी फंड में सबसे ज्यादा योगदान अघोषित सोत्र से मिलने वाला धन है ये संस्था भी इमोशन लेस है ,कोई कैशलेस चंदा नहीं लेना चाहता !
राजनीति सबसे दिलचस्प शै है !
12 साल का बबलू गाँव से कई किलोमीटर चलकर एक बस पकड़कर स्कूल जाता है ,इंटेलिजेंट है उसके पास कई सवाल है ,पर उन्हें बूझने वाला टीचर हर रोज नहीं मिलता। कई दफे खाली स्कूल बैठकर आ जाता है। दसवी बारहवीं का स्कूल ज्यादा दूर है वहां तक पहुँचने के लिए दो बसे पकड़नी पड़ती है शायद वहां टीचर आते हो। स्कूल और अस्पतालों पर इस देश में कोई चुनाव नहीं हारता !
चुनाव बड़ी दिलचस्प शै है
वो कौन से पुलिसवाले है जो एक गरीब दबे कुचले पिता को अपनी बलात्कार हुई बेटी को गोद में लिए थाणे से Fir करने से भगा देते है ,
और एक बाबा के खिलाफ मजाक करने वाले एक कॉमेडियन को दूसरे राज्य तक पकड़ने फ्लाइट से रात को जाते है ?
कौन करता है उस आदेश में साइन जिसमे उनको फ्लाइट के टिकट दिए जाते है ?
कौन है वो पुलिसवाले जिन्हें मालूम है कब डंडा उठाना है कब खामोश खड़े रहना है ?
कौन करता है इन की रीढ़ की हड्डियों में इतनी लचक ?
रीढ़ की हड्डिया बड़ी दिलचस्प शै है !
राम नरेश दो साल पहले आतंकवादियो से मुठभेड़ में कश्मीर में शहीद हुआ था पूरा गाँव उमड़ा था उसकी अंतिम यात्रा में ,,राज्य के मंत्री एम् एल ए सब शामिल हुए थे तब उसकी पत्नी छह महीने से पेट से थी।उसकी पत्नी सरकार द्वारा घोषित पुरूस्कार राशि को लेकर अभी तक दफ्तरों के चक्कर काट रही है खैनी खाने वाला बाबू बतलाता है उसके आधार कार्ड में नाम की स्पेलिंग गलत है उसने उसे सही करवाया तो अब उसके घर का पता गलत आया है
सिपाही के युद्ध ख़त्म होने के बाद भी चलते रहते है
देशभक्ति भी बड़ी दिलचस्प शै है
कौन पैदा करता है हमारे भीतर देशभक्ति ?
रिमोट ?
अखबार ?
मनोज कुमार ?
क्या होती है देशभक्ति ???
26 जनवरी और 15 अगस्त को कल्चरल प्रोग्राम में तीन रंगों वाला कुरता पजामा पहनकर डांस करना ?
ओन लाइन जवानो को श्रंदांजलि दे देना ?
व्हाट्स एप या फेसबुक पर डी पी बदलना ?
अपने देश के प्रधान मंत्री के कार्यक्रम में जय हिन्द के नारे लगा लेना ?
क्या होता है देशद्रोह ?
किसी राजनैतिक आंदोलन में सरकारी संपत्तियों को नुकसान पहुँचाना ,रेल ,बस रोकना ?
जंगल ,नदियों ,पहाड़ो को अपने निजी राजनैतिक हितो और स्वार्थो के लिए काट देना ?
प्लैटफ़ॉर्मो ,सड़को पर दरगाह ,चर्च ,मंदिर बनाकर कब्ज़ा करना ?
अपनी जात /बिरादरी / राजनैतिक विचारधाराओ के लोगो को सरकारी नौकरियों में अनुचित तरीके से स्थान देना ?
सरकारी पुल के लिए उचित मात्रा में लोहा ना मिला कर बनवाना , या एक खास जगह से निम्न क्वालिटी का लोहा खरीदना और बिल ज्यादा दिखाना ?
मिलावटी रोडो, सीमेंटो से सड़क बनवाना ?
किसी कारखाने,फैक्ट्री या प्रोजेक्ट बनाने के लिए विस्थापित लोगो को पर्याप्त मुआवजा ना देना और वादे के मुताबिक सरकारी नौकरी ना देना ?
किसी गरीब आदमी के साथ हुए अन्याय की रिपोर्ट ना लिखना और प्रभावशाली ताकतवर पैसे वाले लोगो के खिलाफ कमजोर केस बनाना ?
सत्ता में आने के बाद सत्ता पक्ष का उन लोगो को फायदा पहुँचाना जिन्होंने चुनाव जीतने में आर्थिक और दूसरे साधनो से मदद की ?
सरकार द्वारा बनायीं गयी योजनाओ के तहत गरीबो के लिए आयी हुई दवा कागजो में खरीदना ?
क्या होता है देशद्रोह ?
कौन बनाता है सिस्टम ?
कहाँ से आते है सिस्टम के लोग ?
मंगल गृह से ?
रामदेव कह रहे है इस गणतंत्र दिवस पर पतंजलि के प्रोडक्ट खरीद कर देश को आर्थिक आजादी दिलवाइये
वंदे मातरम् !
नहीं ,नहीं वंदे मातरम् के वक़्त खड़ा होना कम्पलसरी नहीं है !

-- डॉ अनुराग आर्य (फेसबुक पर) 

Elon Musk

Elon Reeve Musk is inevitably one of the most impressive entrepreneurs the world has ever seen. Born on June 28, 1971, in South Africa, he bought his first computer at 10, taught himself how to program for next two years and then made first software sale at age 12. Musk graduated from the University of Pennsylvania at 24 and dropped out of a Ph.D. program of Stanford University within two days to pursue his entrepreneurial aspirations. Later on, he founded PayPal (formally called, SpaceX (2002) and Tesla Motors (2008).

Elon Musk’s accomplishments over the last two decades make him a role model for young entrepreneurs. Here are five powerful lessons that you can learn from his life and career.

Dare to challenge reality

Quoting Einstein, “You can’t solve problems with the same thinking that caused them.” Before Tesla Energy came into existence, people were convinced that battery packs would continue to be expensive, no matter what. However, Musk realised that if someone could break down batteries into its fundamental components – aluminum, cobalt, carbon, nickel, polymers, steel etc. – and build them from scratch by optimising the resources, the overall cost could be reduced by a huge margin.

Today, Tesla Energy has established itself as a revolutionary energy storage venture for sustainable businesses and homes. Musk dared to challenge the widely accepted reality and changed it.

“Boil things down to the most fundamental truths. Then reason up from there.” – Elon Musk

Similarly, you can write down your business challenges, break them down into basic components, and then try to figure out how those components can be bettered.

Consider failure an option and take calculative risk

Today, he may be a multi-billionaire entrepreneur, but things were not always like this. When Musk started SpaceX, he considered failure as a viable option on his new journey towards interplanetary exploration. However, instead of giving it up, he created a contingency plan and went ahead with the SpaceX project.

In Elon Musk's words, “If we don’t get the first SpaceX rocket launch to succeed by the time we’ve spent $100 million, we will stop the company. That will be enough for three attempted launches.”

The first launch mission of SpaceX, after spending $30 millions, failed. The second launch mission, after spending $60 million also failed. The last and final attempt, failure to which would've led to the end of SpaceX, succeeded. Because of this successful launch mission, SpaceX won a contract worth $1.6 billion from NASA. The rest is history!

“Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.” – Elon Musk

Don't be scared of failure. The ratio of failure to success is always 50:50, especially when you start a new business. But that shouldn't stop you from following your dreams. Just draw a line (in terms of the number of months and amount of money you'll invest) and work hard towards making a dent in the universe.

Think beyond money

What, according to you, was Steve Jobs thinking while working on first iPhone? Or what was it that drove Elon Musk when he was thinking to invest in Tesla Motors? No great person who changed the world in any way did it for money. There was something beyond fame and wealth that motivated them to do great things.

“Going from PayPal, I thought: 'Well, what are some of the other problems that are likely to most affect the future of humanity?' Not from the perspective, 'What's the best way to make money?” – Elon Musk

So whenever you decide to start a new business, focus on the difference that your product can make to humanity. Money is a by-product and will come to you if your product can solve real-time problems. Learn to think beyond money.

What is it about Elon Musk that inspires you?

Biodiversity Hot Spots (Environment Notes)

  • Hot spots are the richest and most threatened reservoirs of plant and animal life of the earth. They have maximum number of endemic species.
  • 25 terrestrial hot spots have been identified for the conservation of biodiversity. They occupy 1.4% of the earth’s surface and 20% of worlds the human population lives in these areas. Western Ghats and Eastern Himalayas (Includes some parts of Indo-Burma or Purvanchal Hills) are two hot spots of India.
To qualify as a hot spot, a region must meet two strict criteria:
  1. Species endemism: the region must contain at least 1,500 species of vascular plants (> 0.5% of the world’s total) as endemics, and
  2. Degree of threat: the region has to have lost at least 70% of its original habitat.
  • Each biodiversity hot spot represents a remarkable universe of extraordinary floral and faunal endemism struggling to survive in rapidly shrinking ecosystems.
  • Over 50 percent of the world’s plant species and 42 percent of all terrestrial vertebrate species are endemic to the 34 biodiversity hot spots.
  • Some hot spots are much richer than others in terms of their numbers of endemics. Five key factors have been taken into consideration and those biodiversity hot spot that tops the list with respect to these five factors are considered as hottest hot spots.


  1. Endemic plants,
  2. Endemic vertebrates,
  3. Endemic plants/area ratio (species per 100km2),
  4. Endemic vertebrates/area ratio (species per 100km2) and
  5. Remaining primary vegetation as % of original extent.

Biodiversity Hotspots Across the World

The eight hottest hot spots in terms of the above five factors are:
  1. Madagascar
  2. Philippines
  3. Sundaland [South East Asia]
  4. Brazil’s Atlantic Forest
  5. Caribbean
  6. Indo-Burma
  7. Western Ghats and Sri Lanka
  8. Eastern Arc and Coastal Forests of Tanzania/Kenya
These eight ‘hottest hot spots’, appear at least three times in the top ten listings for each factor.
Biodiversity Hotspots Across the World

Indian Biodiversity Hot Spots

There are 3 biodiversity hot spots present in India. They are:
  1. The Eastern Himalayas [Arunachal Pradesh, Bhutan, Eastern Nepal]
  2. Indo-Burma and [Purvanchal Hills, Arakan Yoma, Eastern Bangladesh]
  3. The Western Ghats and Sri Lanka

Indo-Burma Region

  • The Indo-Burma region encompasses several countries.
  • It is spread out from Eastern Bangladesh to Malaysia and includes North-Eastern India south of Brahmaputra river, Myanmar, the southern part of China’s Yunnan province, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand.
  • The Indo-Burma region is spread over 2 million sq. km of tropical Asia.
  • Since this hotspot is spread over such a large area and across several major landforms, there is a wide diversity of climate and habitat patterns in this region.

Biodiversity of Indo-Burma Region

  • Much of this region has been deteriorating rapidly in the past few decades.
  • This region is home to several primate species such as monkeys, langurs and gibbons with populations numbering only in the hundreds.
  • Many of the species, especially some freshwater turtle species, are endemic.
  • Almost 1,300 bird species exist in this region including the threatened white-eared night-heron [Endangered], the grey-crowned crocias [Endangered], and the orange-necked partridge [Near Threatened].
  • It is estimated that there are about 13,500 plant species in this hotspot, with over half of them endemic. Ginger, for example, is native to this region.

The Eastern Himalayas

  • The Eastern Himalayas is the region encompassing Bhutan, northeastern India, and southern, central, and eastern Nepal.
  • The abrupt rise of the Himalayan Mountains from less than 500 meters to more than 8,000 meters results in a diversity of ecosystems that range from alluvial grasslands and subtropical broad leaf forests along the foothills to temperate broad leaf forests in the mid hills, mixed conifer and conifer forests in the higher hills, and alpine meadows above the tree line.

Biodiversity of the Eastern Himalayas

  • The Eastern Himalayan hotspot has nearly 163 globally threatened species (both flora and fauna) including the One-horned Rhinoceros [Vulnerable], the Wild Asian Water buffalo [Endangered].
  • There are an estimated 10,000 species of plants in the Himalayas, of which one-third are endemic and found nowhere else in the world.
  • A few threatened endemic bird species such as the Himalayan Quail, Cheer pheasant, Western tragopan are found here, along with some of Asia’s largest and most endangered birds such as the Himalayan vulture and White-bellied heron.
  • Mammals like the Golden langur, The Himalayan tahr, the pygmy hog, Lang-urs, Asiatic wild dogs, sloth bears, Gaurs, Muntjac, Sambar, Snow leopard, Black bear, Blue sheep, Takin, the Gangetic dolphin, wild water buffalo, swamp deer call the Himalayan ranged their home.

Western Ghats and Sri Lanka

  • Western Ghats, also known as the “Sahyadri Hills” encompasses the mountain forests in the southwestern parts of India and highlands of southwestern Sri Lanka.
  • The entire extent of hotspot was originally about 1,82,500 square kms, but due to tremendous population pressure, now only 12,445 square Km or 6.8% is in pristine condition.
  • The wide variation of rainfall patterns in the Western Ghats, coupled with the region’s complex geography, produces a great variety of vegetation types.
  • These include scrub forests in the low-lying rainshadow areas and the plains, deciduous and tropical rainforests up to about 1,500 meters, and a unique mosaic of montane forests and rolling grasslands above 1,500 meters.
  • In Sri Lanka diversity includes dry evergreen forests to dipterocarpus dominated rainforests to tropical montane cloud forest.
  • The important populations include Asian elephant, Niligiri tahr, Indian tigers, lion tailed macaque [All Endangered], Indian Giant squirrel [Least Concern], etc.

World Heritage Sites

  • World Heritage Sites means “Sites any of various areas or objects inscribed on the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage List”.
  • The sites are designated as having outstanding universal value under the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage.
  • This Convention, which was adopted by the UNESCO in 1972 (and enforced in 1975) provides a framework for international cooperation in preserving and protecting cultural treasures and natural areas throughout the world. The first list of World Heritage state was published in 1978.
  • The convention defines the kind of sites which can be considered for inscription of the World heritage list (ancient monuments, museums, biodiversity and geological heritage,), and sets out the duties of the State Parties in identifying potential sites and their role in protecting them.
“Natural heritage sites are restricted to those natural areas that
  • furnish outstanding examples of the Earth’s record of life or its geologic processes.
  • provide excellent examples of ongoing ecological and biological evolutionary processes.
  • contain natural phenomena that are rare, unique, superlative, or of outstanding beauty
  • furnish habitats or rare endangered animals or plants or are sites of exceptional biodiversity”.
  • There are ten criteria for cultural heritage and natural heritage.
  • Nominated sites must be of “outstanding universal value” and meet at least one of the ten criteria. The criteria are given below.


  1. to represent a masterpiece of human creative genius;
  2. to exhibit an important interchange of human values, over a span of time or within a cultural area of the world;
  3. to bear a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or to a civilization which is living or which has disappeared;
  4. to be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates a significant stage(s) in human history;
  5. to be an outstanding example of a traditional human settlement, land-use, or sea-use,;
  6. to contain superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance;
  7. to be outstanding examples representing major stages of Earth’s history;
  8. to contain the most important and significant natural habitats for insists conservation of biological diversity, including those containing threatened species of outstanding universal value from the point of view of science or conservation.
  • The UNESCO funds numerous efforts to preserve and restore World Heritage Sites in developing nations.
  • It maintains also a List of World Heritage Sites in developing nations.
  • It maintains also a List of World Heritage in danger facing threat of pollution and other natural hazards.
  • Sites subject to unusual levels of pollution, natural hazards, or other problems may be placed for restoration. Such designated sites facilitate promotion of tourism.

International Year of Biodiversity

  • The United Nations declared 2010 to be the International Year of Biodiversity. It is a celebration of life on earth and of the value of biodiversity for our lives.
“Biodiversity is variety of life on earth
Biodiversity is life.
Biodiversity is our life”.