Sunday, April 10, 2016

Agriculture is a major driver of climate change

Agriculture is said to be a major driver of climate change because of following reasons:
1. It accounts for 13% of total green house emissions currently. 
2. More CO2 emissions on account of deforestation for agricultural purpose. Eg: Jhum cultivation in India. 
3. Methane emissions from rice cultivation.
4. Enteric fermentation from Animals causes methane emissions. 
5. Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizer use.
Reducing food wastage would help mitigate climate change in following ways:
1. Food production requires intensive inputs and the processes cause GHG emissions and if food does not reach plates, these emissions are without any substantive output. With population set to rise 10 billion by 2050 the need for food is set to rise and thus stopping food wastage would reduce GHG emissions. 
2. Animal based food causes more GHG emissions and changing dietary practices towards protein based food in developing countries without any effort to reduce food wastage will further increase GHG emissions and ths it is prudent to stop food wastage from not only economic point of view but also ecological point of of view.
There is need to reform food distribution system across countries. India can do its part by efficient supply chain management, promotion of Food processing industry, APMC reforms etc.

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